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Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy UI Packs Addon

Addons 1.18 / RTX / Textures / Addons 1.19

Vanilla Deluxe: Legacy UI Packs (Java UI + Mixed UI + PvP UI) is a very popular addon with texture and new features for Minecraft Bedrock. You get the user interface from the Java version of the game, the PVP interface and the mix. I am sure you will like this texture and will be useful.

Installation guile:
- Download file Addon;
- Use minecraft
- Open the downloaded file to install;
- Activate the settings;
- Play with the new mod!

vdx-desktop-ui-v1_2_5-main-pack.mcpack [5.99 Mb] (downloads: 1109)
vdx-mixed-ui-v1_2_5.mcpack [615.16 Kb] (downloads: 217)
vdx-pvp-ui-v1_2_5.mcpack [5.7 Mb] (downloads: 237)
vdx-bottom-chat-ui-v1_2_5.mcpack [44.68 Kb] (downloads: 144)

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